Preston Xanthopoulos: Rich guys in space are boys with extremely expensive toys

Alicia Preston Xanthopoulos

Like millions of others, last Sunday I watched in curiosity and awe as billionaire Richard Branson rocketed to the edge of space on his Virgin Galactic spacecraft. Yes, it was cool to watch. But, as I was listening to analysts discuss how he got into space, the cost and years it took,  and the “Space Race” between Branson, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Tesla’s Elon Musk, it started to feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Alicia Preston Xanthopoulos

All this championing of how amazing and pioneering that moment was, I realized, Richard Branson wasn’t the first anything, but, the first billionaire in space. What we’re witnessing is literally nothing more than an extreme example of boys playing with expensive toys. Billions of dollars spent with significant negative impact to the environment every time the race to space was even being tested, all for the competitive glory of some rich guys and we’re rallying this on? 

While I’ve got no business telling other people what to do with their money, I am allowed to judge it. All three of these guys lecture the rest of us peons about the need to reduce carbon footprints and worry about the environment. Branson, writing in a blog two years back about his strategy to combat climate change, noted, “It’s wonderful to see children all over the world marching today for such an important cause and they are absolutely right that if we don't implement ideas immediately then their lives and their children's lives are going to be imperiled.” But, then, just last week he takes a joy ride that emits 12 kilograms of carbon dioxide per passenger per mile. Heck a transatlantic flight is just 0.2 kilograms.

Musk is planning an all-civilian flight into space in a few months. I don’t know what the carbon emissions will be for that trip, but I do know just one test of his Space X rocket a few years ago burned 440 tons of jet fuel. That’s just one test. 

As for Bezos and his Blue Origin rocket he plans to launch in a few days, he claims it’s more environmentally sound than Branson’s because it uses liquid hydrogen. Hydrogen may not emit carbon, but the production of it does. Besides, he’s Amazon, we all see the big trucks riding around our neighborhoods using old school gasoline, that helped fund his galactic joy ride. 

On top of this, let’s not all forget, for all three of these companies, this is not a one-off trip. They are doing this in order to make “space tourism” a thing, so other rich people, can make them richer by going go into space regularly. Elon Musk is hoping for a trip every other week. That’s a whole lot of carbon emissions into our environment. 

Yes, all these guys spend money to combat climate change. Bezos plans on spending $10 billion in the next decade. That’s nice, although close to the same amount he’s spent developing his rocket. When you are leading companies and pioneering an industry that is terrible for the environment, but make believe it’s OK because you’re writing a check to counter the damage you're doing, isn’t that the “beat your wife, then bring her flowers” approach to the environment?  

Speaking of pioneering. These guys are not space pioneers. Cool, Branson hit the space barrier in 2021. Yuri Gagarin did that in 1961. A full 60 years ago and he managed to orbit the earth for two days while he was at it. The technology to go into space has existed for a really long time. They aren’t explorers, they aren’t pioneers, they’re just guys who paid to do what heroes—true explores and adventurers—did decades ago, when it was uncharted; when the danger level was inconceivable. Twenty two men and women have died exploring space or training to do so. The opportunities in space, scientifically and otherwise are massive and important and I support the expansion of space exploration. But, that’s not what any of this is.

As for Bezos, the name of his space ship is the New Shepard. Oh, please. You aren’t the new Alan Shepard, Jeff, and yes, that is who it is named for. Derry, New Hampshire’s own Alan Shepard was the first American in space, second internationally only to Gagarin. He walked on the moon. A naval aviator, WWII veteran, a test pilot and a member of the original Mercury 7 astronauts, he was a pioneer who took great risk to venture to the final frontier. Branson, Musk and Bezos are just guys looking for ways to monetize space on the backs of the astronauts that came before them. 

So, as cool as I think space travel is and as supportive as I am to actually expand the work of NASA, I’m going to take a back seat in the theater when it comes to watching the next round of billionaire space flights. Whether it’s the environmental hypocrisy, the excessive ostentation of wealth, or the grandiose and ridiculous idea that these guys are the equivalent of the Alan Shepards of history, like I said at the beginning, it’s just a bit uncomfortable to watch. Besides, I’ll just say it: there is actually a lot more important things you could be doing in this world with that level of money, than taking a spin to space. 

Alicia Preston Xanthopoulos is a former political consultant and member of the media. She’s a native of Hampton Beach where she lives with her family and three poodles. The views expressed are those of the writer. Write to her at