Posted: Sun, Dec 12, 2004, 3:23 PM ET (2023 GMT)

NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe is expected to announce his resignation this week, perhaps on Monday, in order to take the job as chancellor of Louisiana State University, according to published reports Sunday. CNN reported Sunday afternoon that O'Keefe will announce his resignation on Monday, while other reports said the announcement could come as early as Monday but would take place some time this week. Florida Today first reported Saturday that O'Keefe is interested in the position as the head of LSU, in his native Louisiana, and reports Sunday indicated that the LSU search committee looking to fill the position was very interested in him. CNN reported that O'Keefe's decision to leave is based on personal and financial reasons, noting that the LSU position pays significantly more than the NASA administrator job. Florida Today reported Sunday that retired Air Force Lt. Gen Ronald Kadish is the leading contender to succeed O'Keefe, but that several other people, including three former astronauts, are also under consideration.